Saturday, January 8, 2011

A full night's sleep

Something I have discovered recently are the varying definitions of a full nights sleep. The general consensus is that doctors will recommend that a full nights sleep consists of 8 hours. A pediatrician on the other hand, will ask you if you are getting a full nights sleep when new baby comes home... their definition is 4-5 hours. To a new parent this stretch would render them able to do just about anything from running a presidential campaign to solving world hunger, if only they could get that much. This thought was running through my mind the other night - er morning at about 4:00 am while I am holding my lovely son and praying to every god out there that he would just lie in his crib and sleep peacefully without the assistance of my arms. This did not happen until 5:00 am and only lasted until about 7:00 am. Ahh such the life of a newbie mom, thank goodness I am on maternity leave now. What will happen when I go back to work? I don't even want to think about it.. really it depresses me.


  1. Put him in his car seat and drive him around--highway is good for smooth motion to lull him asleep. Once he falls asleep turn around and come home. Leave him in his car seat, put him in his room and shut the door. If he's anything like Corinne he will sleep for several hours like that and be just fine. We did that many, many times at 4AM. The trick is remembering that is an option when you're tearing your hair out from no sleep;) Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the advice. It did cross my mind as I put him in the carseat for a drive thru Dunkin Donuts run one morning.. he slept soundly then, but only a few hours before we were pacing the floor. How early does DD open anyway? hmmm...
